Policy Reminder: Report Card/Grades Policy

Young Marines and recruits are required to turn in a report card every quarter. To be deployable, Young Marines/recruits have to have a minimum 2.0 GPA and no F’s. Anyone who falls below a 2.0, has an F, or does not turn in a report card for any given quarter is non-deployable and will need to earn a 2.5 GPA and no F’s the following quarter to be deployable again. When a Young Marine/recruit is non-deployable, this means he/she is not permitted to attend special events or special unit activities like the trip to Washington, D.C., the Coast Guard Camp Out, the Heroes For Andy Nowacki benefit, etc. He/she is still required to participate in activities such as drill, parades, fundraisers, and community service, however.

Due dates are posted on the unit calendar.

Report cards can either be emailed to reportcards@glcyoungmarines.org or a copy can be turned in to Mrs. Dubin by the due date.