Checklist for Presentation Assignment

Dear Young Marine Parents,

We hope everyone is doing well as we quickly approach the holidays. As a reminder, your Young Marine has been asked to choose a presentation topic they can present to the group. The purpose is to fulfill one of the requirements for promotion. Their presentation can be a demonstration where they teach the audience or just share information about the topic. Please download the Presentation Checklist by clicking on the link below and pass it along to your child for use in preparing to deliver their presentations. This checklist will be used as an evaluation form in which they will receive one-on-one feedback to use. This information will be reviewed at the next Thursday drill to provide further explanation. However, those designated to present on Saturday the 19th would benefit from reviewing it now and starting to practice.

As always, questions are welcomed at any point during their preparation. They can be directed to Mrs. Dubin at

Click here to download the Presentation Checklist